The Batchelor Collection - Photo Galleries
View all galleries -
Church Exteriors -
Corbels, Bosses and Angels -
Fonts -
Interiors -
Landscapes -
Oddities and Special Interest -
Painted Screens -
Poppy Heads and Benches -
Stained Glass Windows -
Wall Paintings -
Past Exhibitions -
Norfolk Poem -
Alan’s Photo Microscopy -
Ruth’s Wildlife -
Joyce’s Award Winners
Ruth's Wildlife
I have always been interested in Wildlife photography. I don’t profess to be anything of an expert, but I try! I don’t travel to far off exotic locations but take great pleasure in photographing what I see in my own garden and local areas in Norfolk. When I get a good shot I am thrilled. Here is a small selection of my efforts.

Avocet - Got an itch

Bumblebee on Scabious

Bird of Prey


Black-winged Stilt


Peacock butterfly

Red Damselfly


Seals on Blakeney Point

Swallowtail Butterfly

Turtle Dove
View all galleries -
Church Exteriors -
Corbels, Bosses and Angels -
Fonts -
Interiors -
Landscapes -
Oddities and Special Interest -
Painted Screens -
Poppy Heads and Benches -
Stained Glass Windows -
Wall Paintings -
Past Exhibitions -
Norfolk Poem -
Alan’s Photo Microscopy -
Ruth’s Wildlife -
Joyce’s Award Winners