The Batchelor Collection - Photo Galleries
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Church Exteriors -
Corbels, Bosses and Angels -
Fonts -
Interiors -
Landscapes -
Oddities and Special Interest -
Painted Screens -
Poppy Heads and Benches -
Stained Glass Windows -
Wall Paintings -
Past Exhibitions -
Norfolk Poem -
Alan’s Photo Microscopy -
Ruth’s Wildlife -
Joyce’s Award Winners
Oddities and Special Interest

Burnham Deepdale, Remains of Saxon Plaque

Burnham Thorpe, Nelson's Medicine Chest

Haddiscoe, South Porch, Typanium

Hour Glass on Pulpit, St. Lawrence, Ingworth
Sarah Hare

Stow Bardolph, Sarah Hare
The photo on the left shows the wax effigy of Sarah Hare, youngest daughter of Sir Thomas Hare and Dame Elizabeth his wife who departed this life 9th April 1743 and ordered the effigy to be placed in Holy Trinity Church, Stow Bardolph, Norfolk.
Extract from the will of Sarah Hare signed and sealed at Parndon, Essex, August 10 1743:
“I desire to have my face and hands made in wax with a piece of crimson satin thrown like a garment in a picture hair upon my head and put in a case of mahogany”.
View all galleries -
Church Exteriors -
Corbels, Bosses and Angels -
Fonts -
Interiors -
Landscapes -
Oddities and Special Interest -
Painted Screens -
Poppy Heads and Benches -
Stained Glass Windows -
Wall Paintings -
Past Exhibitions -
Norfolk Poem -
Alan’s Photo Microscopy -
Ruth’s Wildlife -
Joyce’s Award Winners